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CellarScience offers high quality yeast and other fermentation products at reasonable prices. CellarScience believes dry yeast is the future of brewing. Liquid yeast does not ship well, often has cell counts well below the stated values, needs oxygenation and often requires a starter which increases the potential for contamination. CellarScience dry yeast is harvested at peak performance, dried, and PCR tested to ensure quality. Our yeast can be pitched directly onto the surface of the wort, without stirring and without the need for oxygenation. While the instructions on the packet suggest hydration at gravities above 1.060 we suggest it can be pitched up to 1.070 without hydration.  Anytime we can reduce variables and contamination, simplify the process, and help brewers make great beer we think it is a win.  The CellarScience selection of strains is growing and we will be releasing new ones soon, including a line up of amazing wine strains.  

Cellar Science also offers nutrients that compliment their yeasts along with a selection of super interesting enzymes and fining agents.  

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