Sub-Total $0.00
1.5 L - Pre-gelatinized raw wheat substitute, with an enhanced toasted character from heat treatment. Used to replicate raw-wheat multi-step mashes in a single infusion setting. Adds body, mouthfeel and head retention; can be up to 40% of grist.
British Crystal 50/60L Malt - Bairds Malt
Belgian Pilsner Malt - Dingemans Malting
Floor Malted Maris Otter Malt - Crisp Malt
White Wheat Malt - Great Western Malting
Carapils Malt - Briess Malting
Pilsen Malt - Briess Malting
Flaked Oats - Briess Malting
Bitter Orange Peel
CaraMunich® I Malt - Weyermann® Specialty Malts
Maris Otter Pale Ale Malt - Bairds Malt
Sweet Orange Peel
Rice Hulls
Clear Soft Belgian Candi Sugar (Blanc)
Oat Malt - Viking Malt
White Labs Yeast | WLP400 Belgian Wit Ale | Beer Yeast | PurePitch® Next Generation | Industry Leading Viability | 150 Billion Cells
White Labs Yeast | WLP518 Opshaug Kveik Ale | Beer Yeast | PurePitch® Next Generation | Industry Leading Viability | 150 Billion Cells
Mesh Bag with Drawstring - 8 in. x 15 in.
Mesh Bag - 24 in. x 24 in.