Due to high demand, the 10 kg is currently out of stock. Be the first to receive your items by placing a pre-order today. We will automatically ship this to you when we receive more inventory.
Go-Ferm Sterol Flash™ is a revolutionary new yeast rehydration nutrient that is fast, simple to use, and saves time, labor, and water without compromising on yeast viability and vitality.
Recommended Dosage: 30 g/hL (2.5lb/1,000gal)
Usage: Mix Go-Ferm Sterol Flash™ in 10 times its weight of clean 60°F water. Add 25 g/hL (2 lb/1000 gal) of active dried yeast, stir gently and allow the yeast to rehydrate for 15 minutes. Gently stir again, then add to the tank or barrel and mix to homogenize. There is no need to acclimate the rehydrated yeast to the juice/must temperature.
Storage: Dated expiration. Store in a cool and dry environment at 18°C (65°F). Once opened, keep tightly sealed and dry.