Sub-Total $0.00
150 °L - Viking Malt - Improve foam quality and head retention. High degree of caramelization. Well suited for winter beers, ale-type beers and other aromatic beers like dark lagers and stouts.
Chocolate Wheat Malt - Weyermann® Specialty Malts
Valved Coffee Bag (1 lb)
Coffee Malt - Simpsons Malt
Chocolate Malt - Briess Malting
Pilsner Malt - Viking Malt
Pale Ale Malt - Viking Malt
Enzyme Malt - Viking Malt
Wheat Malt - Viking Malt
Rye Malt - Viking Malt
Munich Dark Malt - Viking Malt
Golden Ale Malt - Viking Malt
Caramel 50 (20L) Malt - Viking Malt
Caramel 100 Malt (40L) - Viking Malt
Caramel 150 (60L) Malt - Viking Malt
Cookie Malt - Viking Malt
Chocolate Light Malt - Viking Malt
Chocolate Dark Malt - Viking Malt
Black Malt - Viking Malt
Roasted Barley - Viking Malt
Red Active Malt - Viking Malt
Silicone Fermentation Airlock for Mason Jars
Mesh Bag with Drawstring - 8 in. x 15 in.
Mesh Bag - 24 in. x 24 in.