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Calcium chloride is usually used in place of Gypsum when sulfates are not desired. Calcium chloride will adjust your mash pH down. 1 gram in 1 gallon changes the salt levels by 72 ppm calcium, 127.5 ppm chloride and adds 180 ppm to the hardness.
Acidulated Malt - Weyermann® Specialty Malts
Campden Tablets - Sodium Metabisulfite - Pack of 25
Plastic Syringe | 10 mL | Center Nozzle
pH Calibration Solutions (Set of 2)
Pipette (5ml)
Stainless Steel Measuring Spoons | Corrosion Resistant | Measure Chemicals, Nutrients, Salts
Lactic Acid (4 oz)
Phosphoric Acid (4 oz) - 10% Solution
Wyeast Yeast Nutrient - 1.5 oz Vial
pH Paper - 4.6 to 6.2 For Beer - Vial of 100 Strips
Flaked Oats - Briess Malting
Calcium Carbonate
KegLand pH Meter | Digital Display | Automatic Temperature Compensation | 0.01 Resolution | Buffer Solution Included
KegLand pH Meter Storage Solution | KCl 3mol/L | 25mL
Whirlfloc Tablets
Foam Control (FermCap S)
Burton Salts
Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate)
Brewmaster Precision Digital Brewing Scale | Hops, Brewing Salts & Additives | 500g | .01g
Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers