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Wine pumps are used for multiple applications in the winery, and filters help you achieve a brilliantly clear finish in your wine. 

Flexible impellor pumps from Enolandia are high quality, extramemy versitile pumps that can do multiple duty for many applications. The flexible impeller (PMP520, PMP530, and PMP535) can handle small amounts of solids and grape particles, and have 220-volt motors with higher torque. They feature forward and reverse operation, and a remote control with variable speped drive on the PMP535. We are pleased to be the exclusive USA distributor for Enolandia pumps. 

Impeller pumps (like our PMP100) from Marchisio work on 110-volt power and have high flow rates. They feature a custom 1.5-inch TC fitting for easy connection to a multitude of fittings.

Marchisio wine filters feature multiple sizes and accessories.  Increase your filter capacity and speed by choosing a filter with more plates. Double filtration plates allow you to use 2 sizes of filter pads to filter the wine in a single pass. 

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